What is Queen of the Night?

20140519-114007-42007292.jpg So all of you that follow me were aware that I attended Queen of the Night this past week and raved about it. Without ruining the surprise of the evening I want to do my best to describe it. First of all let me say, it is hands down one of the most incredible evenings I’ve had since moving to Manhattan, and I have done a lot. Secondly, it is not for the inhibited, shy or faint of heart. Queen of the Night is a hands on performance theatre piece from the people who developed Sleep No More. Expect to be touched both physically and mentally, and to leave a much less inhibited person than you were when you entered.

The Experience 

Again I want to promise to preserve as much mystique around the evening as possible because that is part of the incredible allure, you don’t know what you’re in for. Expect to be lead away on mysterious journeys, to be spirited off to hidden chambers for potential seductions and tastings, perhaps kissing a french chef on the cheek for a sample of foie gras. Queen of the Night is an evening that delights in tickling your sensuality and crossing boundaries. Dress to the nines (opulence and elegance are the norm, and black tie and ball gowns are encouraged). Expect to be physically touched and to have your senses aroused, let yourself be led away by the temptations that appear. The show itself is based loosely on Mozart’s the Magic Flute, and the choreography and acrobatics are nothing short of jaw dropping. I was one of the lucky few to be selected as part of the Queens Court which enabled me to an even more intimate experience of the evening. Without ruining anything else, I was integral in one scene that involved a milk bath, and when given the choice to soak in said milk bath…of course I said yes.

The Food 

Absolutely incredible but prepare to be hands on. Each table gets a different delicacy ranging from tender brisket, to cages of lobster, to ribs and guests are encouraged to sample different tables offerings by trading (or stealing!). Divine food, and dessert culminates in a way you would never expect. I traded brisket for lobster with Coco of Ice loves Coco fame, which she ever so graciously accepted.

The Drinks 

Queen of the Night has delightful signature cocktails with lemonade, vodka and mint known affectionately as the Queen’s Bush, and a bourbon orange concoction as well as a full bar, champagne and carafes of white wine, sparkling wine, and red wine on each table. I shared some celebratory end of the evening champagne with Lance Bass of Nsync, a truly once in a lifetime moment.

How Faymous Was it $$$$

All tickets include the meal, with options starting at $150 for certain week nights at the Gala level. From there the options increase if you want an open bar which comes with Premium tickets that begin around $200 (which features only the Queens cocktails but they’re delicious so DO it) and then Ultimate tickets which start at around $300 and feature reserved seating for you and your party plus the open bar. No experience is bad, I do recommend the open bar if only to lower your inhibitions and allow you to more fully partake in the show. Gala and Premium tickets however, do sit closer to the action so beware.

If you’re looking for a life changing, incredibly provocative and engaging evening in Manhattan this is your choice. If you are even the slightest bit curious, I encourage you to take the plunge and experience Queen of the Night. I promise you’ll leave in awe. And it just might change your life. 20140519-114009-42009477.jpg 20140519-114011-42011461.jpg 20140519-114009-42009143.jpg 20140519-114008-42008462.jpg 20140519-114006-42006942.jpg 20140519-114008-42008045.jpg 20140519-114007-42007703.jpg 20140519-114011-42011399.jpg 20140519-114009-42009903.jpg 20140519-114008-42008811.jpg 20140519-114010-42010398.jpg 20140519-114011-42011763.jpg     20140519-114011-42011310.jpg 20140519-114010-42010827.jpg

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