Welcome 2015! The Health and Happiness Cleanse.


Join me in the a Health and Happiness Cleanse this January!

 Almost Faymous is back! And while I’m woefully behind on my fabulous dining out and #OOTD posts, I’m ready to start something new! (Though I promise you I’ll be doing at least a post on that fabulous day trip I took to Nantucket and the amazing clothes I wore from Kerry Corcoran Clothing).

 So for the next month, I’m going to be doing a health and happiness cleanse, which is something I’ve kinda made up and amalgamated for my own purposes to give my body a chance to recover and kick start a really healthy year heading into my first NYC marathon! First thing I want to share is that I’m not doing this to be rigid or so incredibly strict by the rules that I can’t have fun, I’ve created guidelines for myself rather than a strict set of “to do” and “not to do”. (Cause hey I’m a girl who loves truffles).

 Basically I’m focusing on what’s good and what’s not, and allowing for occasional indulgences in between, (like tonight I’m going to get hot cocoa when I go to Bryant Park to watch the ice skaters.

 For my own personal reasons and sake, I am going to be cutting out all alcohol and coffee/caffeinated beverages until the end of January. Don’t feel you need to do that, really the focus should be more on adjusting the reigns; having a glass of wine vs. a bottle of champagne (or like 20 bloody mary’s at brunch, yes I’ve been there).


Here are my goals/guidelines during this time:

  1. Limit unhealthy carbohydrates such as processed white flour, unnecessary breads, white rice and pastas etc. to no more than 3 times a week, but do have healthy beans, greens and sweet potatoes and squash!
  2. Try to make each meal consist of 3 parts: lean protein, veggies/fruits and FLAVOR! (Trying to make that 80:20, where 80% of what I’m eating is that).
  3. Eat as many vegetables as possible each day, and a lot of fruit too! But not too much fruit that I make myself diabetic.
  4. Eat things I enjoy that I know are good for me (I’m such a savory girl and I really just don’t like eggs!).
  5. Buy organic whenever possible.
  6. Minimize processed foods, added sugar and chemicals to as little as I can.
  7. Limit dairy to parmesan cheese, plain greek yogurt and some skim milk for herbal teas.
  8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
  9. Don’t get mad at myself for indulgences (looking at YOU Lobster Mac and Cheese!) really try to keep “indulgences” to once or twice a week at the max.
  10. Experiment and enjoy myself with cooking!
  11. Do/Make/Create/Burn things in my joy to try things out!
  12. Not consider myself a failure if I’m not perfect, or if I can’t keep it up. This is really just about trying to help improve my heart, health and soul! Which we ALL deserve.

I’m not a nutritionist or a dietitian but I’ve read a lot of information and I think this is a good fit for me. I’m going to attempt be post all the food I’m making/creating each day online! A lot of you asked me about recipes and I’ll be honest, I find them everywhere (and make them up!!!). So I figured this is a great way to share with everyone. Listed below is my first shopping list! I’ll explain later what I plan to do with everything but if you want to purchase some of them, to cook along with me, it’s shared below!

Want to join in the fun? Follow along and hashtag with me #HealthandHappinessCleanse

Shopping List for 1/5/2015:

  1. Bag of Organic lemons
  2. 4 Macintosh Apples
  3. 1 Box of Heirloom Tomatoes
  4. Fresh Basil
  5. Fresh Dill
  6. Organic Tuscan Kale
  7. Organic Chicken Tenders
  8. 21 Seasoning Spice
  9. Mushroom and Asparagus Pre-Chopped Stir Fry
  10. Pre-Cut Butternut Squash
  11. Fresh Parmesan Reggiano
  12. Sea Salt
  13. Cracked Black Pepper
  14. Fat Free Greek Yogurt

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